Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Evaluate vs. Measure

In the red corner weighing in at 215 pounds fighting out of ThisIsn'tWorthIt, TX is "Evaluate."

In the blue corner weighing in at 216 pounds fighting out of MeaninglessArgument, MN is "Measure."

Today in our EA planning meeting there was a 10 minute discussion about the differences between evaluating and measuring.  It could have easily gone on for another 30 minutes, but thankfully we moved on.  While I could very easily admit and defend that there is a difference, I could also not.  It was a ridiculous conversation and further evidence of the over-thinking that can occur in business world.

More evidence came a few minutes later while reviewing the goals.  The team decided that we can't have goals yet because we hadn't decided what "framework" we were going to use (e.g. mission, vision, goals vs. something else that I forgot.)  It was a little absurd.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This post is more for my sake than anyone else's (I really think they all are, but whatever).  I've done a lot of reading over the past few months, not as much as some, but plenty and I wanted to see what all I've read.

Jim and Casper Go to Church - Barna

unChristian - Barna

Lincoln on Leadership

Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy's book

Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller

Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell

Why We're Not Emergent (from Two Guys Who Should Be)

Ok so it's not as much as I thought, unless I'm missing some (which i think i am).  But these books have spurred a lot of thinking.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Google's Contact Manager is Terrible

I really like Microsoft's Live Contacts.  It is leaps and bounds ahead of Google's contact manager.  I wish they'd some how integrate.  It's not a problem when I access gmail in Windows Live Mail, just when I use gmail's web interface.

Pointless post, sorry.

Monday, April 7, 2008


My alarm went off this morning at 6:40 and then about 2 minutes later my toilet flushed by itself.  I'm not married, my roommate wasn't awake yet, and I was still in bed.  I guess it is more than possible that I imagined it.